The Industry 4.0 offers opportunities to improve and to develop the industry sector.
Industry 4.0, a real opportunity for the industrial sector
At each step of the production and supply chains, tools and workstations communicate permanently thanks to internet and networks. This is a change of the industrial environment, which facilitates and optimizes processes by having objects connected among them and accessible from mobile devices (tablets and smartphones).
This change in the environment can offer customers the possibility to get a customized product without additional costs or additional delivery times, linking together different actors, their added value and knowledge to its manufacture.
Sirea and the industry 4.0 : augmented reality solution
In 2010, Sirea has already created connected PLCs, allowing its remote monitoring thanks to a dedicated space in the Cloud : MicroSERVER. This Cloud allows to control and manage remotely installations, from a computer.
Now, Sirea has given a step forward towards the industry 4.0 concept, proposing its customers application integrating Augmented Reality through iAR. From the beginning, we aim to propose solutions for industry, that allow to optimize work conditions and company’s performance. In a constant search for innovating solutions at the vanguard, we propose performant tools, at the leading edge of technology.