Monday 25 may in the hospital of Bagnols-sur-Cèze (South of France), the first public presentation of project ReCOVery, driven by Sirea and four other companies, took place.
In the beginning of April Sirea swung into action together with the companies of CleanTechBooster (Innowtech, Fadilec, Alfileo) and Sterixene, designing a robot especially dedicated for the surface and air decontamination within the scope of the Covid-19 battle.
It’s been a big challenge. Together we decided on the systems main functioning via regular videoconference calls.
Alain Godot, director of Innowtech and project advisor
In a month’s time, the robot called “ReCOVery” was born. It has two distinctive decontamination characteristics:
- Pulsating ultra violet light waves
- Spraying Sodium hypochlorite fabricated in-situ
The tests were performed in time and the demonstration organized in the Gard allowed the characteristics of this robot 100% “made in Occitanie” to been shown to the public:
- Small: 50cm length and width for a height of 1m20
- Lightweight: less than 50kg
- 4 wheels to allow movement
- Autonomous: 4-8 hours of runtime thanks to its battery
- Fast: decontamination of 30m² in less than 30 minutes
- Remote controllable with pc or mobile device
Today, the many assets allow the robot to ensure not only the disinfection of the ambient air but also the floors, walls, equipment and furniture. This assistance is considerable for the medical sector but also for the industry sector or even offices.

The development of ReCOVery is continuing with the short-time objective to make it completely independent. That way the robot can execute its missions by itself without the need of human intervention during the operation.
In view of its efficiency, the speed and the safety, we can say that this is a tool in which the hospital of Bagnols will invest. And we privilege the regional and French fabrication!
Jean-Philippe Sajus, hospital director of Bagnols-sur-Cèze
As reminder, the fabrication system for the disinfectant solution inside the robot is derived from our solution AURA. It allows the fabrication of disinfectant on the spot without supply problems.